是□ 否□ 工作忙碌,食無定時 …
是□ 否□ 睡眠不足,沒精打采提不起勁 …
是□ 否□ 不愛飲水,面色灰灰黃黃 …
是□ 否□ 不時便秘,動用甘油條也未必成功大解 …
是□ 否□ 晚上睡覺,手機必定放在可觸及的範圍 …
1. 疏肝排毒的道理;
2. 疏肝香薰在身心靈發揮的效益;
3. 疏肝香薰組合油製作;
4. 疏肝伸引示範及實習;
5. 淺談配合疏肝伸引的起居作息。
講座日期:2023年8月5日(六) *上午班
講座查詢:Whatsapp 90134441
Dear Miss Cheung, Ling Ling
I have attend the 疏肝 course in June and have do it every night. Sometimes after dinner for half an hour, then I do the 疏肝, any bad effect? As I remember we cannot eat one hour before the course start.
It's better to do it on empty stomach.
Doing it on full stomach is not a very pleasant experience.
Remember you need to use a little bit of force to do 疏肝.
When you are pushing to and fro on a full stomach, it is no good for the stuff in your body.
In the past, I was always bother by the mosquitoes,so cannot sleep well at night. Amazingly, there seems to be no more mosquitoes bites after I do the 疏肝, however, it attack my other family member!
Well, this is something new!
Practice makes perfect.
Let me know your progress by posting messages here.
Ling Ling Amy
I have attend the 疏肝 course in June and have do it every night. Sometimes after dinner for half an hour, then I do the 疏肝, any bad effect? As I remember we cannot eat one hour before the course start.
It's better to do it on empty stomach.
Doing it on full stomach is not a very pleasant experience.
Remember you need to use a little bit of force to do 疏肝.
When you are pushing to and fro on a full stomach, it is no good for the stuff in your body.
In the past, I was always bother by the mosquitoes,so cannot sleep well at night. Amazingly, there seems to be no more mosquitoes bites after I do the 疏肝, however, it attack my other family member!
Well, this is something new!
Practice makes perfect.
Let me know your progress by posting messages here.
Ling Ling Amy
- 文章: 2
- 註冊時間: 2006-06-22, 20:48
Hello Amy, Tonia
Please help!
After practicing the liver rejuvenate, boil and wart (like mosquito bites) appear on my forearms, thighs and waist. It's realy itchy!!!!!! Is this the normal de-tox process?
When the body is undergoing detox, it tends to release the toxins in our urine, stools or through our skin.
However, if the toxins could not be released quickly enough, our body will release histamine to surround the toxin and make a wart so that it won't go any further, just like when we are bitten by a mosquito.
Histamine is a substance like white blood cell that is active in inflammation and allergy responses.
The nasty thing about this is the area will become red in shape of hives accompanied by severe itching and make the person very uncomfortable.
To help with your situation, stop doing the liver rejuvenation for a week, let the body flush out the toxins first.
Essential oil like lemon, chamomile and terebinth helps to ease the symptom.
If you have any one of them, apply directly onto the hives to muffle the itch.
Remember to drink water once in a while to help flush the toxins.
For me, I will drink only water to purify my body for the whole day.
Need to go to toilet quite often though.
Please help!
After practicing the liver rejuvenate, boil and wart (like mosquito bites) appear on my forearms, thighs and waist. It's realy itchy!!!!!! Is this the normal de-tox process?
When the body is undergoing detox, it tends to release the toxins in our urine, stools or through our skin.
However, if the toxins could not be released quickly enough, our body will release histamine to surround the toxin and make a wart so that it won't go any further, just like when we are bitten by a mosquito.
Histamine is a substance like white blood cell that is active in inflammation and allergy responses.
The nasty thing about this is the area will become red in shape of hives accompanied by severe itching and make the person very uncomfortable.
To help with your situation, stop doing the liver rejuvenation for a week, let the body flush out the toxins first.
Essential oil like lemon, chamomile and terebinth helps to ease the symptom.
If you have any one of them, apply directly onto the hives to muffle the itch.
Remember to drink water once in a while to help flush the toxins.
For me, I will drink only water to purify my body for the whole day.
Need to go to toilet quite often though.
- 文章: 2
- 註冊時間: 2006-06-22, 20:48
Amy, Tonia
I am going to treat myself with beetroot, carrot, corn and tomato soup today. Do you think it will help the de-tox process?
For veggie soup detox, I will only take one veggie at a time. Say, beetroot soup for the whole day, together with lots of rest.
I am going to treat myself with beetroot, carrot, corn and tomato soup today. Do you think it will help the de-tox process?
For veggie soup detox, I will only take one veggie at a time. Say, beetroot soup for the whole day, together with lots of rest.
Dear Amy, Rita
I would like to ask a question about 疏肝伸引運動.
It is my understanding that疏肝伸引運動 is a qi kung movement and a qi kung movement involves 架子,呼吸and意念.
Yes, you are right. 疏肝伸引運動 is a qi kung movement and a qi kung movement involves 架子 , 呼吸and 意念.
When I was doing the疏肝伸引運動, I do not know which part involves 意念. The moving of the elbow to the back seems to me to be a physical action rather than an意念 because I actually move my elbow to the back, and not just imagining it.
From the time you start to stand with the specific form, your 意念 is already at work.
意念means the conversation between you and your body, the directions/instructions you give to your body.
When you tell your body to help you do the exercise properly, you are asking her to work with you step by step.
意念goes along with your flow: maintaining proper form, putting essential oil on your wrists, counting your breaths, moving your elbows back and forth...
All these rooted from your 意念, then you concentrate on the exercise and let 意念 to guide you through.
Can you please enlighten me on this?
Do post me a new message if you have further questions.
Thanks a lot.
Rita Amy
I would like to ask a question about 疏肝伸引運動.
It is my understanding that疏肝伸引運動 is a qi kung movement and a qi kung movement involves 架子,呼吸and意念.
Yes, you are right. 疏肝伸引運動 is a qi kung movement and a qi kung movement involves 架子 , 呼吸and 意念.
When I was doing the疏肝伸引運動, I do not know which part involves 意念. The moving of the elbow to the back seems to me to be a physical action rather than an意念 because I actually move my elbow to the back, and not just imagining it.
From the time you start to stand with the specific form, your 意念 is already at work.
意念means the conversation between you and your body, the directions/instructions you give to your body.
When you tell your body to help you do the exercise properly, you are asking her to work with you step by step.
意念goes along with your flow: maintaining proper form, putting essential oil on your wrists, counting your breaths, moving your elbows back and forth...
All these rooted from your 意念, then you concentrate on the exercise and let 意念 to guide you through.
Can you please enlighten me on this?
Do post me a new message if you have further questions.
Thanks a lot.
Rita Amy
Dear Amy, ToniaLo Lai Yee, Tonia 寫:Hello Amy, Tonia
Please help!
After practicing the liver rejuvenate, boil and wart (like mosquito bites) appear on my forearms, thighs and waist. It's realy itchy!!!!!! Is this the normal de-tox process?
When the body is undergoing detox, it tends to release the toxins in our urine, stools or through our skin.
However, if the toxins could not be released quickly enough, our body will release histamine to surround the toxin and make a wart so that it won’t go any further, just like when we are bitten by a mosquito.
Histamine is a substance like white blood cell that is active in inflammation and allergy responses.
The nasty thing about this is the area will become red in shape of hives accompanied by severe itching and make the person very uncomfortable.
To help with your situation, stop doing the liver rejuvenation for a week, let the body flush out the toxins first.
Essential oil like lemon, chamomile and terebinth helps to ease the symptom.
If you have any one of them, apply directly onto the hives to muffle the itch.
Remember to drink water once in a while to help flush the toxins.
For me, I will drink only water to purify my body for the whole day.
Need to go to toilet quite often though.
Can I apply lavender instead because I don't have those suggested.
Your bottle of Liver rejuvenation oil is Lemon already, but it's diluted 16:1.
Treat the area with this first to see how it goes.
Lavender is soothing too, but not as good as those three suggested in this case.
Keep me posted.
Cheers! Blessings
Tonia Amy
I had been practice the liver exercise for 7 weeks. For the first 3 weeks, there are only 1 to 2 acnes. However, since the past 3 weeks, there are many acnes, first appear on the forehead for few days, then around the mouth for more few days. Now there are acne near the ear and both cheek. It is very horrible as there are more than 20 acnes on the face now. I didn't change the cream apply to the face, food I eat, sleeping pattern, etc. Is there any thing to do with the liver exercise, shall I stop the exercise now? If there is anything to do with the liver exercise, why the acne did not show up in the first few weeks, but so late?
When you do the liver rejuvenation exercise diligently, you are constantly sending a signal to your body that you are ready for the detox.
Acnes, warts and boils are signs of toxins not released quickly enough through normal excretion channels.
Your body has no choice but to send them away through your skin.
For one time, I had over 60 dots like mosquito bite on my body from my jaw down to my tummy.
Took me almost a week to see them subside.
People in Hong Kong are generally overworked, undernourished, heavily loaded with toxins, it takes time and efforts for the toxins to surface.
That may be one of the reasons why your acnes only show up after weeks of great efforts.
It is common to a few of the students who practice liver rejuvenation exercise.
As in your case, there are several choices:
1. Stop doing liver rejuvenation for the time being; give your body sometime to release some of the toxins first before you start doing the exercise again.
Remember to drink adequate water to help with the detox.
2. If you can stand the heat, keep doing liver rejuvenation exercise everyday and note down the changes within your body.
You might find the spots very itchy, soothe them the best you can and watch them go away by themselves.
3. If you cannot stand the itchy feelings but are determined to live with the detox, learn doing the wheatgrass enema on yourself that leave you comfy through the detox process.
You may contact me via email for a private session if you want to learn the enema technique.
When you do the liver rejuvenation exercise diligently, you are constantly sending a signal to your body that you are ready for the detox.
Acnes, warts and boils are signs of toxins not released quickly enough through normal excretion channels.
Your body has no choice but to send them away through your skin.
For one time, I had over 60 dots like mosquito bite on my body from my jaw down to my tummy.
Took me almost a week to see them subside.
People in Hong Kong are generally overworked, undernourished, heavily loaded with toxins, it takes time and efforts for the toxins to surface.
That may be one of the reasons why your acnes only show up after weeks of great efforts.
It is common to a few of the students who practice liver rejuvenation exercise.
As in your case, there are several choices:
1. Stop doing liver rejuvenation for the time being; give your body sometime to release some of the toxins first before you start doing the exercise again.
Remember to drink adequate water to help with the detox.
2. If you can stand the heat, keep doing liver rejuvenation exercise everyday and note down the changes within your body.
You might find the spots very itchy, soothe them the best you can and watch them go away by themselves.
3. If you cannot stand the itchy feelings but are determined to live with the detox, learn doing the wheatgrass enema on yourself that leave you comfy through the detox process.
You may contact me via email for a private session if you want to learn the enema technique.
Alas I have someome sharing my de-toxification in the past weeks.
Boils and warts in big lumps and acnes appeared after I practised the liver rejuvenation for 3 times. They were all over my arms, near armpits, shoulder, elbows, tummy, back of thighs and knees and calves. Luckily not on my face.
I stopped the exercise for a week. The condition stabalized and the warts/boils/acnes started to go. Then, with the help of Amy, I resume the exercise, but a combination of the original and a more vigorous one with a view to get rid of the toxics more quickly and thoroughly.
After the resuming of the exercise, new boils and warts started to appear. This time they are on my breasts (2 big lumps on my right breast and acnes scattered all over my breasts (luckily these are not itchy or painful).
I am now waiting to see what is going to happen next.
Alas I have someome sharing my de-toxification in the past weeks.
Boils and warts in big lumps and acnes appeared after I practised the liver rejuvenation for 3 times. They were all over my arms, near armpits, shoulder, elbows, tummy, back of thighs and knees and calves. Luckily not on my face.
I stopped the exercise for a week. The condition stabalized and the warts/boils/acnes started to go. Then, with the help of Amy, I resume the exercise, but a combination of the original and a more vigorous one with a view to get rid of the toxics more quickly and thoroughly.
After the resuming of the exercise, new boils and warts started to appear. This time they are on my breasts (2 big lumps on my right breast and acnes scattered all over my breasts (luckily these are not itchy or painful).
I am now waiting to see what is going to happen next.