Mung Honey - Ancient Wisdom - Modern Application ~~~ by Amy Cheung (原文英文,刊於 香薰時代 2013春)
They say that the emperor in ancient China has 3000 concubines. Each concubine has her secret beauty recipe to maintain a fine body shape and youth compression. Their common dream is one day they would lucky enough to win the favour of the emperor and become the Queen.
During those days, the concubines would use food to beautify their body. They feared that they might stand the deadly charge of poisoning the emperor if he dropped dead after licking the inedible cosmetics they put on the body. Mung honey, a skin care recipe of mixing mung bean powder and raw honey into a paste, with stunning results in whitening and nourishing the skin, became one of the star recipes in the palace.
According to Compendium of Materia Medica, mung bean can help clear internal heat and toxins, harmonize the organs, calm the nerves an nourish the skin. Scientific evidence reveals that mung bean helps in skin whitening and spots fading. Although it is loaded with numerous benefits, the mung bean powder does not stick onto or penetrate into the skin, but when it is mixed properly with honey, the synergy of the two goes deep in that it works wonders on the body and mind.
This tale gives us a picture of the benefits of honey. Deep inside our body lies emotional unrest of grudges, jealousy, anger, low self-esteem… the list goes on. Each emotional issue is like an evil dragon residing within, weighing us down. The role played by the mung honey is like a crystal ball which dragons are destined to chase after. Once we spread mung honey on our body, the evil dragons that represent our deep emotional issues will dash towards the crystal ball and thus leaves our body one by one. As recorded in Compendium of Materia Medica, honey can help strengthen the heart, slow down aging, still the mind, sharpen the ears and clear the sight. With less emotional burdens and toxins, one becomes prettier and happier.
By words of mouth, the mung honey recipe left the palace into the soc and turned into a traditional make-up. I was so blessed to learn about this recipe 10 years ago. In order to ensure me and my readers can enjoy the original benefits mung honey offers, I only use mung bean and raw honey that comply with international organic standard to produce mung honey.
After years of research and improvement on mung honey recipe, the mung honey produced nowadays has helped men and women, the old and the young in relieving various skin problems and related emotional issues.
Mung Honeyの特性を象徴するような伝説があります。
心の奥底に潜んでいる嫌悪感や嫉妬、怒り、自尊心の喪失など、それぞれの感情がまるで邪悪な蛇のように人に取り付き、重くのしかかります。そこで蛇を追い払う水晶玉のような役目するのが緑豆です。Mung Honeyを体に塗布すれば、邪悪な蛇が一匹ずつ水晶玉に吸いこまれていくように、深層心理にあるそのような感情が体から消えていくような感じです。