My reason for joining this class is very simple: to slim down my legs back to the 'normal' size that many of my girlfriends get to enjoy. I have not worn a skirt since year 1 at university, and I don't plan on wearing one until my legs are proportionate to my hands. You are right about the confidence issue. Apart from my skin problems, my legs are a real killer of confidence. It may sound ridiculous, but it really makes me feel that I don't deserve to be romantically admired to the fullest extent if my legs stay this way (hahaha). No, actually it's no laughing matter. I want it to change. Of course, my value is not defined by my physical body or any other worldly achievement, but the truth is, at the moment it does make me dislike myself.
厭惡只會讓您不喜歡的東西一直纏著您、跟著您,學習去完全接受和愛惜自己,您會漸漸發覺您不喜歡的東西在您的愛惜中為您改變。Sonia Chan 寫:It may sound ridiculous, but it really makes me feel that I don't deserve to be romantically admired to the fullest extent if my legs stay this way (hahaha). No, actually it's no laughing matter. I want it to change. Of course, my value is not defined by my physical body or any other worldly achievement, but the truth is, at the moment it does make me dislike myself.
I really want to wear a skirt. I would look good in it.
The current abnormal size of my legs also make it difficult for me to find a fitting pair of trousers. Right now, my jeans are big enough to hold the flesh of my legs, but the waist is too huge and I have to use a very big belt to keep the trousers from falling down.
Also, my legs feel painful occasionally because they swell. So it would be nice to get rid of that discomfort.
I think that if my legs become slender again, I would glow and be able to do many things with extra confidence. Right now it always feels like a pretence.
See you.
PS (When you reply to this post, please don't mention my Chinese name. Thanks) Yes, madam.