102 多元豆蜜 Multi-purpose mung honey

文章: 1677
註冊時間: 2006-05-10, 00:11

Re: 102 多元豆蜜 Multi-purpose mung honey

文章 張慧儀 »

豆蜜用家 meow meow 跟慧儀分享,說自己一向頭髮稀疏,用豆蜜洗頭一段日子之後,長出很多幼髮,現在頭髮變得濃密多了,所以她非常樂意與同事朋友分享她的豆蜜生髮故事。


這位同事問meow meow:去邊度買生蜜呀?可唔可以用麥盧卡蜜糖呀?可唔可以用普通蜜糖呀?

我聽 meow meow 講完之後,相信有可能我說得不太清楚,現在再講一次:
第一、 綠豆粉一定要新鮮磨的,不要儲存太久,所以我每一次都是小批量製作;
第二、 所有原材料與生產過程一定要乾淨過乾淨,非常清潔,所以綠豆和生蜜都要是有機的;
第三、 大家若有看我這個討論區都會知道我找生蜜找得很辛苦。


文章: 12
註冊時間: 2013-05-20, 13:06

Re: 102 多元豆蜜 Multi-purpose mung honey

文章 kanako »

Dear Amy, Dear Kanako,

Mung Honey is sitting next to my bath towel.
And I often think of you whenever I open the bottle.

Yes, Amy. I enjoy your Mung Honey everyday at bath time. Thank you. :wink:

I applied Mung honey to my 6 year old daughter whose elbows had the itch for sensitive dry skin.
She said that her chaps on her elbow got pain when honey was applied.
So that I use the honey on her dried part of skin such as shoulders and tummy.
Now she is free from itches.
I think the honey and passing the climate (from Spring to Summer) helped her keratin condition increased.
I am happy to learn that your daughter is free from itchy skin.
My advice: Instead of you applying Mung Honey on her, teach her to use Mung Honey on herself very gently, DO NOT SCRUB the chapped skin, just spread it out. When she learns how to do it on her own, she will get the most benefits.

For myself, I like to use it as the soft scrub on my chest, shoulders and neck.
The texture of my skin improves.  

Now I am going to try on my friends, and then to my clients. 
It's wonderful, thank you. If they have questions regarding mung honey usage, please post here. I will do my best to help.

I am looking forward to reading your article on the coming IFA magazine !
I was asked to write an article on the Taiwan conference by the IFA office.
I would love to mention about our friend ship and how I enjoy your honey.
I am happy for you that you are invited by IFA office to write an article on the Taiwan conference.
Thank you for your kindness to mention our friendship and how you enjoy Mung Honey.
I look forward to reading your article. :D

I hope our paths will cross again in the future, keep in contact please. Will do.


文章: 12
註冊時間: 2013-05-20, 13:06

Re: 102 多元豆蜜 Multi-purpose mung honey

文章 kanako »

Dear Amy, Kanako,

Thanks to your advice, I will let my daughter apply the honey by herself.
Now she is free from chapped skin from the dry climate.
But her perspiration began to cause her a rash around neck.
Tonight, I applied Evening Primrose oil (Oenothera biennis) on her rash, hoping to ease itchy skin.
I will see whether it worked or not next morning.

Amy, is Mung Honey good for the heat rash skin, too ? From experience, mung honey helps relieving kids from rashes with perspiration.
May she apply it on her neck ?  She may apply a very thin layer of mung honey on her neck after washing the area with water. Let mung honey sit for 5 minutes for a start, then add on till 15 minutes gradually. When the time is up, wash off mung honey with water and dry the area. Normally, the rash will become dry and the itchy feeling gone in two to three days' time. Kids become happier when they are no longer bothered by the wet and itchy rash.

I am curious to know what ingredient of mung bean works on trouble skins.
How did you learn the efficiency of Mung Honey ? Something like grandma's wisdom ? Read my article on Aromatherapy Times to learn more about Mung Honey. :wink:

I am happy to keep in touch with you, Amy ! Me too, Kanako.

文章: 12
註冊時間: 2013-05-20, 13:06

Re: 102 多元豆蜜 Multi-purpose mung honey

文章 kanako »

Dear Amy, Dear Kanako,

Thank you for answering for my questions.
My daughter, Nanaco, enjoys applying Mung Honey by herself. Good girl, Nanaco. :D
Along with Mung Honey, I tie her long hair in order to have her neck and back free from stimulation.
Now her neck has no heat rash. Great.

She skinned her knee today.
I didn't apply the honey on the knee, thinking it would smart.
Can she use Mung Honey on her knee to cure ? Do you mean she fell and hurt her knee? If yes, apply Lavender essential oil straight away on the area to stop bleeding and ease the pain will be much more handy than Mung Honey. You may apply mung honey later though.

For myself, I enjoy Mung Honey every bath time.
I apply it on my face and neck, hoping anti-aging.
After taking bath with the honey, my face needs face cream to prevent from drying.
My face is easy to get dry for many years.
But while I was in Taiwan, my face didn't need face cream after taking bath with the honey.
Therefore I guess the difference of the water makes the difference on my skin. The difference in water and climate play an important part on the skin.
My suggestion: use one teaspoon of mung honey for mask from forehead to the neck once a week. Let it sit for 15 minutes to feel its nourishing effect. :wink:

I hold lessons on aromatherapy a few time a month, at my house.
I enjoy teaching how to use essential oils in the dairy life for the people who just began to study aromatherapy.

I hope the more and more people get interested in aromatherapy, and the day may come medical facilities welcome high-standard aromatherapists like IFA members. Yes! This is the reason why I aim at holding 100 aromatherapy seminars from May 2013 to May 2014 ~ so that more and more people in Hong Kong learn to use high quality essential oils for better living.

Thank you, Amy. You're welcome.
Keep in touch Will do.

My best regards, Kanako Blessings, Amy

文章: 12
註冊時間: 2013-05-20, 13:06

Re: 102 多元豆蜜 Multi-purpose mung honey

文章 kanako »

Dear Amy, Dear Kanako,

Thank you for taking time out to answer my questions You’re welcome.

Actually, Nanaco fell and hurt her knee.
And I applied 2 % Lavender essential oil in sweet almond oil on her knee as soon as she returned home.
It is nice to know that we both think of the same treatment in that case.
If you were me, what percentage of lavender you would apply on such a wound ?
I used 2 % of lavender, since the wound gets sharp pain with 100 % lavender oil.
If I were you, I would use 100% organic Lavender essential oil on the wound with a prerequisite: prepare the person for the treatment.
I would tell Nanaco that applying Lavender essential oil neat on the area would help her heal better and quicker but she might experience sharp pain.
Once Nanaco was prepared, I would apply a very thin layer of Lavender neat from without to within on the wound while telling her the lavender story.
After applying the first layer of Lavender essential oil, there would still be blood coming out from the wound; I would ask Nanaco to wipe the blood off herself.
Asked her to come back in half an hour or so to have another thin layer of Lavender essential oil applied on the wound.
This way, Nanaco would learn how to take care of her wound and not be afraid.
With the accumulating effect of essential oil, her wound would probably be healed within hours.

Thank you for your advice how to use Mung Honey for my face.
I will use it as a musk and let it sit for 15 minutes ! Great. Do keep me posted.

Amy, I admire that you are working on projects one after another ! 
Kanako, we could not control when we are going to die, but we may choose to live life to the full according to our preferences. :D

Best regards, Blessings,
Kanako Amy

文章: 12
註冊時間: 2013-05-20, 13:06

Re: 102 多元豆蜜 Multi-purpose mung honey

文章 kanako »

Hello Amy ! Hello Kanako ! :wink:

Thank you for your answers !!
I am going to tell you how efficient Mung Honey is on my face skin.

I enjoy using the Mung Honey at bath time.
I am sure that Mung Honey has helped my cheeks, which are tend to get dry, maintain their natural moisture.
While I applied the honey on my face for only a few minutes, I didn't realize it.
But when I applied for 15 mitutes as you recommended, the honey worked superbly !
I feel slight itch under the honey musk. I guess it is because of its osmotic pressure is higher on the damaged skin.
From experience, about 10 minutes after mung honey is applied, the person may feel a warm and itchy feeling on the area. This is a sign that the mung honey synergy is working.

Amy, will you suggest me how to use the greenish layer ?
At the conference, you taught me that bottom layer in the bottle is good for something. 
I am sorry I can hardly remember it,,, It's okay. :D
Is the "greenish layer" and "bottom layer" you wrote refer to the same thing? If yes, here it goes:
The greenish layer at the bottom is mainly the mung bean skin which is heavier that sinks to the bottom over time.
You may use it for coarse areas like the elbows, the knees and the heels that needs special attention. Use it as a scrub or mask.
If you apply this greenish layer to the face and neck, do it very gently.

Best Regards, Blessings,
Kanako Amy

文章: 12
註冊時間: 2013-05-20, 13:06

Re: 102 多元豆蜜 Multi-purpose mung honey

文章 kanako »

Dear Amy, Dear Kanako,

Mung Honey has just arrived now ! Great!
It had reached at my house yesterday evening. At that time no one was at home, and I ordered post office to resend me today.
If I was at home then, the Mung Honey took 4 days to reach me. So it doesn't take long for mung honey to travel from Hong Kong to Japan. :wink:
The pack was passed to my hand from the postman. So the Mung Honey was not left in the mailbox. Yes, I sent it by Registered Mail to make sure it arrive safely.

Amy, can I drip the new mung honey over the rest in the bottle ?
Or should I drip the new one in a clean new bottle ?
Kanako, if you were using dry and clean spoon to take mung honey out from the bottle, you can drip the new mung honey into the old bottle. However, if you were using wet fingers to take out mung honey, then it's better to drip the new one in a clean new bottle.
BTW, remember to cut open the environmental friendly plastic bag to use every single bit of mung honey. :)

Best regards, Blessings,
Kanako Amy

文章: 12
註冊時間: 2013-05-20, 13:06

Re: 102 多元豆蜜 Multi-purpose mung honey

文章 kanako »

Dear Amy,

Mung Honey, wonderful !

Yesterday, Nanaco and Kazuhide got sunburn at a swimming pool.


The above picture shows Nanaco and Kazuhide being applied Mung Honey in the bathroom.

They couldn't soak themselves in a bathtub for pain.
But after applying Mung Honey for 5 to 7 minutes on the sunburn skin, they didn't feel pain in the bathtub !
Seemed the inflammation has been relieved by Mung Honey.
Is Nanaco and Kazuhide getting better?
You can apply munghoney onto their backs and let it sit longer, say 15 minutes, before washing it off.
Remember to turn off the fan before applying munghoney so that they will not catch a cold during the 15-minute wait.

My children love Amy's Mung Honey


Mung Honey ってすごい!





文章: 12
註冊時間: 2013-05-20, 13:06

Re: 102 多元豆蜜 Multi-purpose mung honey

文章 kanako »

Dear Amy,

Yes ! Both Nanaco and Kazuhide have been free from sunburn pain after applying Mung Honey just once.
On that night, I applied 10 % lavender diluted in sweet almond oil after the bath time.

I am convinced how Mung Honey is helpful for skin troubles.
Amy, thank you for introducing me Mung Honey at the conference.


文章: 3
註冊時間: 2013-04-14, 18:30

Re: 102 多元豆蜜 Multi-purpose mung honey

文章 ccam »

我已經用了兩樽豆蜜洗臉,大約三個月的時間,發覺與之前我認為洗得最乾淨的cleansing foam比較,豆蜜洗完臉那種乾淨的感覺更加明顯,滲入皮膚內部更深層,真是乾淨過乾淨。因為有比較,這是我繼續選用豆蜜的原因。

其實我比較懶,只係夜晚用,但我都覺得鼻兩邊和眼底下那些部位的毛孔沒以前那麼粗,整塊臉的皮膚都比之前細緻。如果我夜晚不是用豆蜜去洗臉會有種不太乾淨的感覺,習慣了用豆蜜洗完臉那種乾淨的感覺就不再想用其他cleansing foam。

