有 5 筆資料符合您搜尋的條件

2009-03-23, 17:47
版面: 淋巴引流 :臀部及下肢
主題: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論
回覆: 58
觀看: 122417

Re: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論

Hi Amy, Hi Sonia.. My reason for joining this class is very simple: to slim down my legs back to the 'normal' size that many of my girlfriends get to enjoy. I have not worn a skirt since year 1 at university, and I don't plan on wearing one until my legs are proportionate to my hands. You are right ...
2009-03-23, 16:01
版面: 大掃除: 灌腸
主題: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論
回覆: 62
觀看: 107011

Re: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論

Hi Amy, Hi Sonia.. I've been doing the "intestinal massage" for a few days. Well, so far it has not dramatically improved my constipation, but I know it's not because the massage alone will not work wonders; I know I also have to increase my water intake, eat more fruit, do exercise, etc (in additio...
2009-03-11, 11:04
版面: 淋巴引流 :面部及頸項
主題: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論
回覆: 215
觀看: 318893

Re: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論

Hi Amy, Hi Sonia.. Sorry for the delay. I know we said I could email you my lesson notes, but I still have not done so, haahaha, largely because it takes so long for me to type Chinese ... 最緊要您同我都睇得明,英文都得咖。 :wink: Anyway, since having taken the lesson with you, I have persevered and stuck to doing t...
2009-02-18, 16:55
版面: 淋巴引流 :面部及頸項
主題: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論
回覆: 215
觀看: 318893

Re: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論

Hi Amy, Hi Sonia.. My primary reason for joining your class is to remove the puffiness from my face, and also my dark eye circles (which I believe are related to the lymphatic system in a way too?). Oh and to do something about my slightly swelling neck (my beautifican said my neck is slightly swell...
2008-05-07, 22:08
版面: 進階淋巴引流:腹部
主題: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論
回覆: 12
觀看: 38925


Note: I answered these questions without looking at your teaching materials, because I'm guessing that is what you want me to do. And, I cannot type Chinese. 1. 在您心目中,您認為「伸引」是甚麼? Extend, make longer & wider, which 'wakes up' the part that is being stretched, because it no longer remains in its usual...