295 寧按助懷安 Palliative Care

愛惜自己 - 活出彩虹
文章: 1633
註冊時間: 2006-05-10, 00:11

295 寧按助懷安 Palliative Care

文章 張慧儀 »




當時靈光一閃 - 芳療能幫得上忙嗎?

心裡即時浮現出東方三博士朝見聖嬰的禮物 - 乳香。


A friend shared a personal experience with me: When he gave a foot massage to his loved one who was in the final stages of a terminal illness, both of them felt relieved and bade farewell peacefully without regret.

The soles of feet are an area for applying essential oils. I have known it for many years but I have never thought about it this way.

His words triggered an idea in my mind at that moment – Can essential oils and aromatherapy massages help palliative care patients?

The first oil I saw is frankincense – a gift presented to baby Jesus by the three wise men from the Orient. This essential oil, as precious as gold, has been used around the world for thousands of years. Regardless of the style of massage, the benefits of frankincense will diffuse through the skin into the blood relaxing muscles and relieving pain. The scent can calm the mind and body of both the masseuse and the recipient of the massage to help them enter a meditative state.

I shall write to my mentors and friends to ask for their wisdom and guidance, learn from them and design a curriculum for an aromatherapy course on palliative care.

文章: 1633
註冊時間: 2006-05-10, 00:11

From Ms. Sue Mousley

文章 張慧儀 »


Ms. Sue Mousley 的提點:「
… Perhaps as a start to your workshop introduce some background and definitions and about the uniqueness of people’s perception and beliefs in dying and care.
For hospice care/end of life I like the two oils you use plus other oils that can help with anxiety, unrest, acceptance of changes and transition to mourning, fear and skin problems etc are Bergamot, Helichrysum, Lavender High Altitude, Sweet Marjoram used either in a massage or an inhalator or in an aromapatch.
For baby loss, Rose, Geranium, Neroli, Grapefruit, Roman Chamomile but again the aromas have to be used as support in their grieving journey rather than to block it out otherwise in future pregnancies or in life in general it may generate negative emotions.

英吉列皇家御用助產士 Ms. Mousley 給我一個非常重要的提點:原來懷安服務要面對的不單止是老年人和他的家人,還有只有數秒鐘或是數小時生命的嬰兒和他的家人,尤其是母親。


文章: 1633
註冊時間: 2006-05-10, 00:11

From Ms. Kanako Terauchi

文章 張慧儀 »


Ms. Kanako Terauchi 的提點:「
… When I hold the workshop for the Aromatherapy at the hospice, I mention about Oxytocin, which is known as peacefulness hormone, will be secreted when you are touched kindly. ...
... And, when you do aromatherapy treatment for them, the therapist should not under own stress. It is important to take care of yourself before you take care of someone. ...
... For me, horse riding is one of the tools for self-maintenance. ...
... I always try not to make a sound of my footsteps when I leave the patient’s room. It may make the patients sad if they hear your leaving.



