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2015-08-16, 23:02
版面: 淋巴引流 :面部及頸項
主題: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論
回覆: 215
觀看: 316178

Re: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論

I some suffering from serious neck pain and sometimes the eyes are also swollen due to poor blood circulation. Further more, my legs are very stuffy, would like to learn how to resolve this lymph nodes blockage. If possible, would also want to learn how to刮痧for myself too. Mandy,面部及頸項淋巴引流顧名思義是針對面部及頸...
2015-08-16, 21:52
版面: 淋巴引流 :面部及頸項
主題: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論
回覆: 215
觀看: 316178

Re: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論

Hi Amy I am one of the user of your product 豆蜜and would like to register for your massage class. I brought your product at the Olympian city mall during Christmas. The reason why I would like to learn is because I work in an office and always suffer from headache and neck pain, would like to learn t...